How can relieve our anxiety?
What can we do to help ourselves and our loved ones?

We can start by looking back at our new year’s resolutions and reapply them.

Now, more than ever, we need to think of our bodies as a wellness factory and we are its driver.

This is also a good time to do all those things you always wanted to do but could not find the

Here are a few tips:

Feed it with colour.
Eat deeply colourful fruits and vegetables. These are typically higher in nutrients and fibre.
Fuel it.

Get moving!
A 30-minute workout is just 2% of your day. No excuses. No excuses! A walk or an online workout is simple and safe.

Water it!
Drink more water. Your skin, your hair, your mind, your body will thank you.

Be creative!
Start a home project, try new recipes, draw, paint, enjoy some music, pick up that instrument has been collecting dust for years or how about this this??? read a book!

Help your neighbour and talk to each other.
Helping others in any way you can is very therapeutic. Even a simple grocery pick up for an elderly parent or friend makes a difference.

In these difficult times, some people are more vulnerable and will suffer from social isolation which can affect them in a negative way.

A short face time call will help alleviate the feeling of loneliness.

And mostly, don’t forget to laugh because laughter reinforces the immune system.

We need to remember that we are not alone in this battle.