Are you frustrated with dimpled and puckered skin that just makes you want to cover up? Well, you’re not alone. Typically found on the buttocks, hips, and thighs, cellulite is one of the most common complaints and skin conditions for women. In fact, after puberty, cellulite is present in 90% of women regardless of their weight and body type. And as we age, cellulite can become even more noticeable as skin loses its elasticity. But this doesn’t mean you have to accept that cellulite is part of your life and keep your body covered up. There are some things you can do to treat cellulite.

Cellulite Treatments in Montreal

Cellulite Facts

Different from fat, cellulite is a network of connective tissue bands (fascia) beneath the skin. When pushed together, these bands push the normal layer of fat in the skin upwards, causing dimpling and puckering.

But what causes cellulite and why are some women more affected than others? Here are some of the causes of cellulite:

  • Genetics – Your genes help to determine how your body stores fat and how fat is distributed under the skin.
  • Hormones – Hormonal changes in the body play a role in cellulite. Hormone imbalances can affect the health of your skin and collagen production.
  • Lack of exercise – Leading an inactive lifestyle can lead to poor circulation, weak muscle tone, inflammation, and reduction in blood flow. All of these are factors when it comes to the development of cellulite.
  • Poor diet – Eating a diet that’s high in fat and refined carbs can contribute to cellulite. A poor diet can also lead to weight gain and obesity which can increase your total body fat, making you more prone to cellulite.

While you’ll never be able to completely get rid of cellulite, using a combination of cellulite treatments you’ll see a significant improvement in the appearance of your skin.

Cellulite Treatment Options

Clinique Anti aging offers three types of cellulite treatments: radiofrequency, lasers, and injections.


Radio frequency treatments can effectively improve cellulite and tighten skin. These treatments are pain-free and can be very soothing, much like getting a warm massage.

Clinique Anti aging uses Venus Legacy™, a nonsurgical device, to reduce cellulite and tighten skin. In each treatment session, radio frequency and electromagnetic pulses penetrate deep down into the skin, increasing blood circulation and improving the flow of oxygen. Venus Legacy™ also stimulates fibroblasts to produce new elastin and collagen.

Multiple treatments using Venus Legacy™ will improve the appearance of your skin, leaving the surface looking smoother and tighter.

Laser Treatment

Cellulite reduction can also be achieved using laser treatments, such as the innovation of the Fotona® laser.  

What does laser therapy do for your skin and cellulite? Laser treatments stimulate the production of new collagen and improve both skin elasticity and texture.


Another way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is through the use of injections such as Sculptra® and Radiesse®.

  • Sculptra® – Clinique Anti aging uses this bio stimulant to give skin a smoother appearance. Made with poly-L-lactic acid, this dermal filler replaces lost collagen, increasing volume and giving skin a fuller appearance.
  • Radiesse® – More than just a filler, Radiesse® is formulated with calcium hydroxylapatite. When injected, Radiesse® helps to stimulate collagen production and improve appearance and texture.

Diet and Exercise

Don’t forget to treat your body right. A healthy diet along with exercise can help to prevent and reduce cellulite. Your goal here is to provide your body with the best nutrition so you can maintain a healthy body weight and reduce fat.


Eat a low-fat diet that’s high in lean proteins and vegetables. Limit processed foods, salt, sugar, and alcohol.


Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help you slim down and keep connective tissue supple so that skin stays smooth and healthy.


While exercise alone won’t get rid of cellulite, a regular fitness practice can help firm and tone your skin, reducing the appearance of those cellulite dimples. Exercise will also help to boost circulation and build muscle.

Final Words on Cellulite Treatment

Using a combination of treatments, Clinique Anti aging can help you reduce cellulite and improve the appearance of your skin. After multiple safe and healthy treatments, you’ll be ready to beat cellulite and improve the look of those dreaded dimples.